=================== Development profile =================== Booktype comes with already predefined development profile and a list of requirements for it. Lazy development setup ---------------------- Our development setup should look as much as possible as the production setup but it is possible to do development with the minimalistic setup also. Check the :doc:`deployment documentation ` which external services and libraries you need to install and have running. .. code-block:: bash # Create Python Virtual Environment $ virtualenv --distribute bk20 $ cd bk20 $ source bin/activate # Clone Booktype $ git clone https://github.com/booktype/Booktype.git # Install Python requirements for development profile $ pip install -r Booktype/requirements/dev.txt # Create Booktype project with development profile using Sqlite3 $ ./Booktype/scripts/createbooktype -p dev -d sqlite bkdev $ cd bkdev # Initialise project $ ./manage.py syncdb $ ./manage.py migrate $ ./manage.py update_permissions $ ./manage.py update_default_roles # Edit bkdev_site/settings/dev.py file if needed # Collect static files $ ./manage.py collectstatic # Run built-in web server in one shell $ ./manage.py runserver # Run workers in another shell $ ./manage.py celeryd -E --autoreload