Installing Booktype on CentOS

Instructions were tested on CentOS 6.3.

Be careful you have correct access permissions. We assume your Python Virtual Environment is called ‘mybooktype’ and your Booktype project is called ‘mybook’. Feel free to change it.

Before you start installing check your documentation how to add EPEL repository! For instance:

su -c 'rpm -Uvh'

You will also need to install “Development Tools”:

su -c 'yum groupinstall "Development Tools"'

Booktype with Sqlite3

This example works with Sqlite3 and Python built in web server. This method is not recommended for production server.

How to install

# Install needed packages
su -c 'yum -y install python python-devel sqlite git python-virtualenv python-pip'
su -c 'yum -y install redis libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libjpeg libjpeg-devel zlib zlib-devel'

# Create Python Virtual Environment and install needed Python modules
virtualenv --distribute mybooktype
cd mybooktype
source bin/activate
pip install Django==1.3 South==0.7.5 unidecode lxml PIL

# Fetch Booktype source
git clone

# Create Booktype project
./Booktype/scripts/createbooktype --database sqlite mybook

# Initialise Booktype
source mybook/booktype.env syncdb --noinput migrate loaddata documentation_licenses createsuperuser

Booktype with PostgreSQL

This example works with PostgreSQL and Python built in web server. Version of PostgreSQL server depends of your distribution. This method is recommended for production server.

How to install

# Install needed packages
su -c 'yum -y install python python-devel sqlite git python-virtualenv python-pip'
su -c 'yum -y install redis libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libjpeg libjpeg-devel zlib zlib-devel'
su -c 'yum -y install postgresql-server postgresql-libs postgresql-devel python-psycopg2'

# Create Python Virtual Environment and install needed python modules
virtualenv --distribute mybooktype
cd mybooktype
source bin/activate
pip install Django==1.3 South==0.7.5 unidecode lxml PIL psycopg2

# Fetch Booktype source
git clone

# Create Booktype project
./Booktype/scripts/createbooktype --database postgresql mybook

# Initialize PostgreSQL. ONLY if you did not have PostgreSQL installed before
chkconfig postgresql on
service postgresql initdb
service postgresql start

# Become postgres user
su - postgres

# Create PostgreSQL user and enter password
createuser -SDRP booktype

# Create PostgreSQL database
createdb -E utf8 -O booktype booktype

# Stop being Postgres user

You will need to enter database info in the settings file. Edit mybooktype/mybook/ file and put this as database info (you will need to enter username password also).

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'booktype',
        'USER': 'booktype',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': ''

Allow connections to database booktype for user booktype. This can depend of your requirements. Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file and put this inside.

local   booktype    booktype                      md5

Restart PostgreSQL server after this.

service postgresql restart

You can continue now with initialisation.

source mybook/booktype.env syncdb --noinput migrate loaddata documentation_licenses createsuperuser

Start redis

chkconfig redis on
service redis start

Deploy using built in web server (not recommended but good for testing)

# This has to be done every time you want to start a server
cd mybooktype
source bin/activate
source mybook/booktype.env runserver

Deploy using Apache (recommended)

# Install needed packages
yum install httpd mod_wsgi

Copy configuration file:

cp mybooktype/mybook/wsgi.apache file into /etc/httpd/conf.d/booktype.conf

# User www-data should be the owner
chown -R apache:apache mybooktype/

# Edit configuration file
# You need to add name of the server and change log path to /var/log/httpd/
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/booktype.conf

service httpd restart

If you will get permission errors you might need to disable SELinux support. Please check CentOS documentation how to do that. You can also check any documentation related to CentOS+Apache2+mod_wsgi+Django deployment.