Running Booktype on the Nginx web server

Example commands are for a Debian/Ubuntu based system. It is recommended to use Supervisor ( or similar software (Upstart on Ubuntu) to control your Gunicorn or FastCGI processes.

As Gunicorn

Let us imagine our Booktype project is installed in the /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/ directory. This directory should be owned by the user who is going to run the gunicorn_django process (probably www-data).

# Install needed packages
sudo apt-get install nginx

# Copy configuration file
cp /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/gunicorn.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype

# Edit configuration file
# You should change: server_name and fastcgi_pass
vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype

# Enable your Booktype site
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/booktype

# Restart Nginx
service nginx restart

# Activate Python Virtual Environment (IF YOU ARE USING IT)
source /var/www/mybooktype/bin/activate

# Install Gunicorn
pip install gunicorn

# Load environment variables
source /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/booktype.env

# Start Gunicorn (Basic example)
gunicorn_django -b -w 4

As FastCGI

Let us imagine our Booktype project is installed in /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/ directory.

# User www-data should be owner
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/

# Install needed packages
sudo apt-get install nginx

# Copy configuration file
cp /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/fastcgi.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype

# Edit configuration file
# You should change: server_name and fastcgi_pass
vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype

# Enable your Booktype site
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/booktype /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/booktype

# Restart Nginx
service nginx restart

# Activate Python Virtual Environment (IF YOU ARE USING IT)
source /var/www/mybooktype/bin/activate

# Install Flup  (
pip install flup

# Load environment variables
source /var/www/mybooktype/mybook/booktype.env

# Start FastCGI process (Basic example) runfcgi host= port=8000