
How to create PostgreSQL database

Check the documentation: .

  1. Install PostgreSQL and Python modules:

    $ apt-get install  postgresql python-psycopg2
  2. Change the password for PostgreSQL. This you need to do ONLY if you don’t already know the password:

    $ sudo su postgres -c psql template1
    template1=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'password';
    template1=# \q
    $ sudo passwd -d postgres
    $ sudo su postgres -c passwd
  3. Create PostgreSQL user “booktype”:

    $ sudo su postgres -c createuser booktype
  4. Create database named “booktype” where user “booktype” is owner. This could depend of your OS version and can ask for another template:

    $ createdb -D template1 -E utf8 -O booktype booktype
  5. Allow connections to database booktype for user booktype. This can depend of your requirements:

    $ vi /etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf  (full file name depends of PostgreSQL version)
    local   booktype    booktype                      md5
  6. Restart PostgreSQL:

    $ service postgresql restart

How to do it on Ubuntu

The following instructions were tested on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 and slightly differ from the generic instructions above.

  1. Install PostgreSQL and Python modules:

    $ sudo apt-get install postgresql python-psycopg2
  2. Change the password for PostgreSQL. This you need to do ONLY if you don’t already know the password:

    $ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
    postgres=# \password postgres
    postgres=# \q
    $ sudo passwd -d postgres
    $ sudo su postgres -c passwd
  3. Create PostgreSQL user “booktype”:

    $ sudo -u postgres createuser -SDR booktype
  4. Create database named “booktype” where user “booktype” is owner:

    $ sudo -u postgres createdb -E utf8 -O booktype booktype
  5. Allow connections to database booktype for user booktype:

    $ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf  (exact file name depends on PostgreSQL version)
    local   booktype    booktype                         md5
  6. Restart PostgreSQL:

    $ sudo invoke-rc.d postgresql-8.4 restart