JavaScript Style


There are many different JavaScript coding styles but we are using Idiomatic JavaScript style in Booktype. There is one exception, we do not use extra space inside parentheses.

How to check

We are using JSHint, a tool that helps to detech errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.

First you need to install it:

$ npm install jshint -g

We have prepared configuration file for our coding style in scripts/jshintrc file. You can either install it globally or specify path to the config file each time you execute jshint.

$ jshint --config Booktype/scripts/jshintrc toc.js

toc.js: line 61, col 44, A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '.6'.
toc.js: line 69, col 64, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 77, col 49, Missing space after 'if'.
toc.js: line 85, col 82, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 85, col 102, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 85, col 103, Trailing whitespace.
toc.js: line 86, col 83, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 87, col 79, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 88, col 79, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 88, col 88, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 89, col 85, Strings must use singlequote.
toc.js: line 91, col 80, Missing space after 'function'.

Read more in the official documentation how to integrate this tool inside of your text editor or IDE -



Never mix spaces and tabs. Please check your editor is correctly configured to use whitespace instead of tab. For readability we recommend setting two spaces representing a real tab.


if (condition) {

while (condition) {

var Chapter = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    chapterID: null,
    title: "",
    urlTitle: "",
    isSection: false,
    status: null

this.refresh = function () {
  var $this = this,
    lst =;

  jquery.each(lst, function (i, item) {


var DEFAULTS = {
  panels: {
    'edit': 'win.booktype.editor.edit',
    'toc' : 'win.booktype.editor.toc',
    'media' : ''

  styles: {
    'style1': '/static/edit/css/style1.css',
    'style2': '/static/edit/css/style2.css',
    'style3': '/static/edit/css/style3.css'

  tabs: {
    'icon_generator': function (tb) {
      var tl = '';

      if (!_.isUndefined(tb.title)) {
        if (tb.isLeft) {
          tl = 'rel="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="' + tb.title + '"';
        } else {
          tl = 'rel="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="' + tb.title + '"';

      return '<a href="#" id="' + tb.tabID + '"' + tl + '><i class="' + tb.iconID + '"></i></a>';